Flagstaff to consider retail and multi-family residential development

A mixed-use project consisting of commercial retail and multi-family residential development is under consideration by the Flagstaff City Council. The proposed building is planned for the SW corner of N Fourth Street and Butler Avenue.

The residential component of the project consists of one, two-bedroom and studio residences and a club-house with pool and common area amenities. 
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The commercial portion of the project is required to be constructed simultaneously with the residential component of the development and may not at any time be separated from the existing parcel.

In an effort to provide more easily convertible and physically attractive tenant spaces for lease the commercial building suites will be completed to a finish, including among other things full concrete floors, complete suite demising walls, installed HVAC units, interior and exterior lighting, electrical outlets and plumbed restrooms.

The development proposes 10% of the residential units as Affordable Housing units. The project includes provisions for up to 12 on-site electric vehicle charging stations and the project proposes 190 bicycle spaces on site.
Community Benefits and Considerations:
The project includes 22 affordable housing units for up to 80% area median income (AMI) and will accept HUD Housing Choice Vouchers and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (“VASH”) Vouchers.